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Novo Raises Money for Glimpse of Africa

One of our greatest passions at Novo Chiropractic Sports & Wellness Center is to partner with those in the community. We recently raised $150 for Glimpse of Africa, an organization that seeks to bring people together to celebrate, educate and share the diverse African cultures, while breaking barriers and connecting refugees and immigrants from African countries to local resources and opportunities.

Glimpse of Africa’s most recent festival, held August 6, was a lot of fun and so inspiring!

Glimpse of Africa

Creating a Community of Wellness


Our team recently gathered for some continuing education. Our big focus was on dreaming big and creating a community of wellness.


One of the littlest members of the community we helped recently was Elaina. Her mom Morgan brought her in for a well baby check, and Dr. Colleen, located at our Cascade clinic, helped resolve Elaina’s digestive issues. Both Morgan and her baby come in for preventative care and are both in good health.

Please Welcome a New Addition to Our Practice


We are thrilled to announce that our lead chiropractic assistant Abby recently had her baby girl Artemis. She wasn’t due until the end of August, but Artemis couldn’t wait!

Now we are treating both Mom and Baby! Abby has been an amazing team member for five years and is a big fan of chiropractic care. She says daily how grateful she is to be working in a chiropractic office, especially right now.

While we enjoy caring for patients of all ages, we especially love helping little ones get off to a healthy start in life and maintain their well-being through childhood and beyond. Find out how pediatric chiropractic could help your child flourish. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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